29 March 2013

Easter Prayer...May God receive all the Glory

Lord Jesus, risen and everliving Savior, with your people of all ages and races I adore You as my Lord and my God, who had crushed Satan's head, conquered sin and death, and redeemed all mankind from the forces of evil.  Accept my hallelujahs as I rejoice with believers, saints and angels because You had come forth triumphantly from the grave to live forevermore.  I ask You, Jesus Christ, to cleanse my heart from all sinful desires and dwell there with my eternal peace.

I rejoice to know that You had blotted out all my transgressions and reconciled me with The Father in heaven, that I as a child of His household may seek His face and know that He is full of tender mercies and boundless compassion.

I praise You, Jesus Christ, because of the hope that You had brought to my heart and to everyone in this World.  I need not be afraid of death and dying because there is no condemnation for us who believe in the saving power of Your Cross.  To all who are sorrowing let this Easter Day bring comfort of Your promises and a new joy of expectancy as they look forward to the day when they shall be reunited with their loved ones in the eternal glory of heaven.

I rejoice today because I know that The Church shall go on from victory to victory, receiving strength from Your Almighty hand. Even the gates of hell shall not prevail against The Church.  Accept my vows of allegiance this day as I dedicate myself anew to Your service to tell the nations of the earth that You therefore, the risen King of the ages.

Take full possession of the my heart, remove all sin, scatter all doubts, drive away all worries.  Let Your Spirit set aglow in me a love that will not die.  Increase in me day after day the desire to follow You, Jesus Christ, to whatever place You shall lead me, until I stand before Your Throne to behold all Your Glory as the risen Lord, and praise You with saints and angels with an undying and perfect love.  Hallelujah...Hallelujah....and Hallelujah.  And Amen.

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