18 June 2011

Happy Father's Day!

As God the father through Jesus Christ and so many others in the OT and NT, in example after example...showing and teaching us what it is to be a "Father", the one thing that hits home with me daily...is when I look myself in the mirror. Remember fathers...it begins with you and no one else.  Only we as men can become the fathers that God desires us to be.

A song, whom I do not remember sings it, but makes me stop and think and wonder...as I am being watched by my son and others...am I reflecting that image, like in the stillness of water...the image that Christ desires?  The song goes along the lines as..."...Want to be like you, because he wants to be just like me.  Want him to see Jesus in me.  To be holy example for his innocence eyes to see..."

As I wish my father and so many out there...Happy Father's Day!...Are our children seeing Jesus in us?

Let's make a difference guys.  Every father out there...are and will be in my thoughts and prayers.

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