"Is anything too hard for Our Lord?" (Genesis 18:14)
I can honestly say...I have at times limited God and because I did not get the result I desired...often questioned why not? Although that being said...I have never doubted anything is not possible for God. If what he did for his people against Pharaoh, for everyone while in the desert, for Joshua, Gideon, Elisha, Elijah, Daniel in the Lions Den, and Shadrach, Meshach & Abednego in the Fiery Furnace...He can and will do for us...so I ask again...as Genesis states...Is anything too hard for Our Lord?
As this question proposes a challenge to us...I believe this is God's loving challenge to you and me each minute, hour and day of our lives. He wants us to think of the deepest, highest, and worthiest desires and longings of our hearts. He wants us to think of those things that perhaps were desires for ourselves or someone very dear to us, yet we feel has gone unfulfilled for so long that we now see them as simply lost desires. And God urges us to think of even the one thing that is important to us and what we once saw as possible but have given up all hope of seeing it fulfilled in our lives. Either thru time or other circumstances...we feel it is not possible, or not meant to be, or not a priority to God. Quickly...everything is a priority to God when it comes to the matters of His children, preparing them for spiritual growth, and journey with Him and Jesus Christ.
That very thing, as long as it aligns with what we know to be His expressed will - much like a son was to be to Sarah and Abraham - God intends to do for us. Only if we let Him, God will do that very thing, even if we know it is such an utter impossibility that we could simply laugh at the absurdity of anyone ever suggesting it could come to pass.
"Is anything too hard for Our Lord?" I say NO! What do you say? We need to believe nothing is too difficult when we believe in Him enough to go forward, doing His will and letting Him do the impossible for us. As mentioned...even Abraham and Sarah....up in years...barren...without child....could have easily blocked God's plan if they had continued to disbelieve.
The only thing "too hard for the Lord" is our deliberate and continued disbelief in His love and POWER, and our ultimate rejection of His plan for us in our lives. Like Jer 29:11 states, and Proverbs 3:5-6, we must trust always...although we do not understand. Nothing is impossible for Jehovah to do for those who trust Him.
So...is it in your heart? Mind? And Soul? Do you believe it or not? "Is anything too hard for the Lord?"

Ministry blog to bring encouragement, hope, strength throughout ones lifes's adversities & enjoy in a closer journey and relationship with Our Lord God whom is still on the throne. May HE receive all the Glory and Honor through this blog. May you always feel God's comfort, strength, presence and love. Many blessings to you.
18 November 2012
05 November 2012
Or God?
“Look among the
nations and watch – be utterly astounded! For I will work a work in your days
which you would not believe, though it were told you.” (Habakkuk 1:5)
As I write this blog…we all have experienced an event in
our lives and dismissed it as a coincidence.
But was it really? Or was it God?
We as Christians habitually seek God’s voice through
prayer through His Word, or through His messengers. Yet sometimes we often fail to hear God speak
through his activity even though He is working all around us. Let me say that again…We often fail to fail
to hear or even see his activity even though He is working all around us. God encourages His people to watch for His
activity so they will know how they should respond and adjust our lives.
The disciples I believe discovered much about God’s power
by witnessing Jesus calming a raging storm with authority and a simple command
and feeding the multitudes, healing of the sick, etc.. Then you have Jesus the person that dined
with sinners..a very notorious sinner such as Zacchaeus…Jesus taught them a
poignant message about God’s love for sinners.
Watching Jesus through the 3 years…and the climax of Jesus hanging upon
the cross communicated a compelling message of what God was willing to do for
His people and to free His people from sin. Lets advance beyond the
crucifixion…the discovery of the empty tomb revealed an astounding truth of
God’s victory over death. To those with
spiritual discernment, God’s activity is a significant revelation about His
heart and will.
If you are sensitive to what God is doing around you, He
will clearly speak to your through His activity. Here we are again….speaking about His
activity. Are you seeing it? Or overlooking it? Dismissing it to coincidence?
If you are sensitive to what God is doing around us and
in our lives…He will clearly speak to us through His activity. You will know that God is at work, because
what you see will blow our minds, and human power and wisdom will not be able
to explain it. When you experience
events that surpass your understanding and ability, it may…be that God is
communicating a critical important message to you.
If you want to hear God’s voice, look around you to see
what He is doing. When you are watching
for God to work, what you see will reveal His character, and you will, I pray,
have a fresh understanding of how to respond to Him.
So the next time you experience something unexplainable
or a mystery event….think….and ask yourself…Is it a Coincidence? Or God?
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