05 November 2010

Sharing thoughts and some prayers    

     Today being the 5th of November, my birthday, I have some inspiritation thoughts to share.  Most of you may notice, I do not update my blog on a set schedule.  I only update or post something on my blog only when given inspiritation of something "rich" to share with you.

     I have several things I wish to share, but first, knowing so many of us are facing or faced adversity during this economic era of our country.  I for one am no exception.  It will be a few days shy of a year for being unemployed.  It has not been easy nor fun.  However, Our Lord has provided for my family basic needs throughout this time.  My family and I are keeping the faith and trusting in God's plan for us and his timing.

     This reminds me of a conversation I had with my son one day as we were heading for his school and enjoying the brillance of the fall leaves here in Asheville.  We got on the topic of how brillant the leaf colors were and explaining how this happens.  Then I thought, and shared with my son, how the brillant colors are similiar to God.  Please permit me to explain.  Throughout our adversity, we sometimes feel that God is not there.  Much like the colors of the leaves, He is always there.  As the leaves lose there green color, their natural colors appear, always there, but hidden from our site.  Just as Psalm 46:10 "Be still and know I am God."  Although God is silent, it does not mean he is still.  We are to be still and know God, not for God to be still to know us.  God is never still.  But we are required to be in order to know him.  So as my son and I discuss this relationship of the colors showing up later, hiding and always been there, neither of us will look at the fall leaves the same ever again, without thinking about God, although not seen, his always there.

     To follow up with this inspiritation, I shall add some prayers I have found and use and have been blessed because of them.  Since today is my birthday, I will share a birthday prayer, another for those unemployed (much like myself), and a Friday Morning prayer.

"Birthday Prayer"

    Another year of my life has come to a close, and a new day begins for me, Lord God, eternal Caretaker of my life and lover of my soul in Christ Jesus.  You have been good to me through the years.  You have given me health and strength, friends and relatives, enjoyments and pleasures, and, above all, the Gospel with its many promises of peace and forgiveness.  My grateful heart praises you.

     Give me the grace to dedicate myself to you again on this anniversary of my birth, and grant me greater willingness to serve you faithfully and continually.  Through the Holy Spirit make me greater willingness to serve you faithfully and continually.  Through the Holy Spirit make me a loyal member of the church, a worthy citizen of the nation, a dutiful member of the household, and a conscientious performer of my task at work.  Let joy fill my heart as I walk in your ways, performing my duties and meeting my responsibilities with faithfulness from day to day.

     As I receive this new year of grace from your bountiful hands, may I use each day to glorify you, serve my fellow men, and find contentment and peace of mind under whatever conditions I must live.  Grant that with Christ in my heart, I may live a fuller and richer life, and finally be received unto your glory, where I shall praise your mercies and your goodness forever and ever.  Amen.

"Unemployed Prayer"

     Dear Father in heaven, Giver of all good things, I thank you that you have created me and preserved me to this day.  You know my needs and my fears because of my present unemploymenet.  I pray you, comfort and strengthen me, and help me to maintain my hope and courage.

     It is clear from your Word that work is normal and good for man, yet I have not found the work which I need and seek.  This situation is hard to understand.  Help me, Lord, to surrender wholly to you and to look to you for the employment which I need.

     I pray to you Lord, correct what is wrong with me or with the employment situation in general, and give the opportunity to earn my own money.  Open a door to employment which i do not see.  Keep me from discouragement and bitterness, and help me to put my trust in you.  Help me to say with a believing heart:  "The eyes of all wait upon you, O Lord and you give us meat in due season.  You open my hand and satisfy the desire of every living thing."

     In that knowledge and in that faith make me trusting and patient.  In the meantime care for me and mine according th your promise.  I trust you will do so for the sake of Jesus Christ, my Savior, in whom you had promised to give us all things.  Amen.

"Friday Morning Prayer"

     Almightly God and Father, the light of the day summons me to the duties and privileges of the stewardship of life. Help me to be a good steward by revealing to me Your will for my life. May I make the best possible use of the talents which You have given me, so that I may always be ready to give an account of my stewardship.
     In the activities of this day give me the wisdom to recognize whatever is evil before I am ensared by it. Grant me the strength to resist every temptation to sin and shame. Let me never be afraid to say, "How can I do this great wickedness and sin against God?"

     Grant me the opportunity today to do good to someone who is in need of my love. When others deny You, give me courage to confess my faith. Show me how to live in a manner worthy of Your holy name.

In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.